Nutritional Disclaimer
- The Staydowndayfit app contains nutritional information, such as calories and other macro-nutritional information.
- The nutritional information inside the Staydowndayfit app, does not constitute medical advice and should not be treated as such.
- This information is not to be considered an alternative from medical advice provided by your physician, doctor or any other professional healthcare provider.
- If you have specific concerns regarding your unique, personal health needs, always contact a physician before utilising the information found inside the Staydowndayfit app or site.
- Read our medical disclaimer in full here – Staydowndayfit App Disclaimer
Sources of Dietary Information
Inside Staydowndayfit are a collection of recipes, organised by multiple categories. Below are sources of information related to some of these diet categorisations, which you may find useful:
High Protein
- Revisiting the role of protein-induced satiation and satiety
- Dietary Protein and Muscle Mass: Translating Science to Application and Health Benefit
- International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: protein and exercise
- Diet induced thermogenesis
High Carb
- High-carb or low-carb, that is a question
- Nutrition and Supplement Update for the Endurance Athlete: Review and Recommendations
High Fiber
- Carbohydrate quality and human health: a series of systematic reviews and meta-analyses
- Dietary Fiber and Gut Microbiota in Renal Diets
Low Fat
- Pros & cons of some popular extreme weight-loss diets
- Effect of low-fat diet interventions versus other diet interventions on long-term weight change in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Low Carb
- Effects of a low carbohydrate diet on energy expenditure during weight loss maintenance: randomized trial
- The low-carbohydrate diet and cardiovascular risk factors: Evidence from epidemiologic studies
- A randomized controlled trial on the efficacy of carbohydrate-reduced or fat-reduced diets in patients attending a telemedically guided weight loss program
- Ketogenic Diet
- Very-low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet v. low-fat diet for long-term weight loss: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
- Mitochondria: The ketogenic diet–A metabolism-based therapy
- Do ketogenic diets really suppress appetite? A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Effects of Vegetarian Diets on Blood Lipids: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
- Vegetarian diet, change in dietary patterns, and diabetes risk: a prospective study
- Vegetarian, vegan diets and multiple health outcomes: A systematic review with meta-analysis of observational studies
- Vegan Diets: Practical advice for athletes and exercisers
- Plant‐Based Diets Are Associated With a Lower Risk of Incident Cardiovascular Disease, Cardiovascular Disease Mortality, and All‐Cause Mortality in a General Population of Middle‐Aged Adults
- Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease with a Mediterranean Diet
- Frequency of nut consumption and mortality risk in the PREDIMED nutrition intervention trial
- Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with the Mediterranean diet: results of the PREDIMED-Reus nutrition intervention randomized trial
If you have any questions related to this information, please contact us at